About carto

Retired software engineer who grew up in Montana, went to Montana State College in Bozeman, and moved to California to work at Stanford Research Institute (SRI). Carto's Logbook is about photography, travel and adventure; Mt. Maurice Times is tall tales mostly biographical; Carto's Library is about books I've read and liked.

Return to Stanford Hospital

Three months after a stroke interrupted her peaceful retirement in Palo Alto, the survivor returned to the hospital for a MRI of her brain. Here she sits waiting to be transported to our residence at Palo Alto Commons after successfully completing the procedure in laboratories located in the old Stanford Hospital. In the background of the photo is the new Hospital where she was initially treated for the stroke.

Waiting for a ride back to PA Commons

Fortunately, the patient was able to walk (aided by her wheeled walker) through the sub-basements of the hospital as we followed vague and incomplete directions to the recently relocated MRI registry. (The registry desk was in Ambulatory Services/Blood Draw where a wheel chair was provided for the trip to the MRI machine).

After the noisy scan in an uncomfortably cold lab, we enjoyed the spring sun and the ride back to our skilled care facility.

Cheers, Carto